ITAR is the result of uniting the best real estate agents in Santander, making the most advanced technological tools available to them, and the mentoring and experience of two Realtors to develop their full potential and provide the best possible service to the real estate consumer.
ITAR (INTERNATIONAL TOP AGENTS REALTY) is a company founded in Colombia by Terry Yoder, a North American Realtor who decided to enter the Santander market with the aim of internationalizing successful sales and leasing models, and promoting bilateral real estate trade between the USA and Colombia.
ITAR bases its success model on training and grouping the best Real Estate Agents on the market, providing them with enough tools that give them the possibility to exploit their potential to the fullest and earn more in commissions than any other real estate agent.
ITAR offers the greatest possible exposure of the properties consigned by its agents, our collaboration models involve thousands of real estate agents in Colombia and abroad, guaranteeing our efficiency when selling or leasing your property.
For ITAR, the integration of the real estate markets of Colombia and the USA is a two-way priority, regardless of whether you want to invest in Florida, or if you want to invest in Colombia abroad, we are your best option.
Juan Pablo Serrano Ardila
Juan is a Colombian International Realtor, Trainer of Real Estate Agents, appraiser, editor and trainer of several real estate courses for the PLAN OF PROFESSIONALIZATION INMOBILIARIA DE FEDELONJAS, and Universities at national and international level, he has the certifications CIPS (Certified International Property Specialist), CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) and ABR (Acredited Buyer Representative) of the National Association of Realtors, directs the ITAR Comprehensive Training Plan and jointly with Terry does the mentoring process for ITAR Agents.
He has been part of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Exchange of Santander, is part of the Executive Committee of MLS SANTANDER, is a consultant and is part of the trainers of the Real Estate Exchange of Santander, La Lonja de Bogotá, La Lonja of Barranquilla, the Lonja de Nariño and Putumayo, and the Lonja Del Quindío.
18 years of experience in the Real Estate Industry in addition to his constant academic growth, have made him the winner of several awards in the MLS SANTANDER, and have made him a regional real estate benchmark with several interviews and publications in television, radio, virtual and written media. ; His passion is real estate and he works shoulder to shoulder with ITAR agents to lead them to excellence.
Terry Yoder
Terry is a Florida licensed North American Broker, team leader and producer of multi-million dollar real estate careers; He is a mentor and coach for the largest single Real Estate Office in the United States of America.
His dedication and commitment to leading his agents to excellence through education, ethics and professionalism have led him not only to be part of the International Council but also to chair the Ethics Committee of the PINELLAS REALTOR ORGANIZATION of the State of the Florida (USA).
He has been a classroom coach and webcast educator for six years. He has developed and taught classes on various topics in the real estate industry. A strong desire to provide quality customer service and to bring his knowledge of the real estate industry to a country he admires and enjoys has led him to open ITAR.
"ITAR will be a great opportunity for the public to have access to a quality real estate office, and it will also be the best place for agents to prosper and build their careers," says Terry.